Every week I post a colouring/activity page for you to print out and give to children - yours, someone else's or to use in a school or library. All I ask is that it is not used for commercial purposes. 

 Simply click on the image and print  for your children to colour. 

Don't forget to follow my blog so you will receive the latest Kid's Page on a weekly basis.


Sketch a Day

That's what I have been doing - a sketch a day this week as set by my mentor on the NV SCBWI program, Priscilla Burris. The goal was to keep it fast and loose ... well I got caught up in a couple of the drawings, so I worked on those a bit more. I have to work 2 of them into finished pieces. Hmm. Which ones? Which would you choose?

Still in the grip of Monsieur Winter here .... if that Groundhog is WRONG!!

Now where did I leave that shovel?

Toot toot

aka The Wacky Brit.

Nothing new on the beside table. Did watch excellent BBC program (Beauty of Books) about children's illustration, funny thing was, all the illustrators were MEN. Hmm.....

Illustration Saturday!

Lucky enough to be the featured artist on Kathy Temean's blog 'Writing and Illustrating for Children' last Saturday. She features a different artist every week and I'm thankful I was accepted. Lot's of great feedback. See the post at this link ... h


Next on the what's happening with 'TWB' (The Wacky Brit) - an agent has expressed interest in rep'ping my Math Concept series! Yippee .. so stay tuned for more exciting news there I hope ....

The winter is still set in here ... more snow forecast this week. Confess I'm ready for spring. Everyone in the house is getting cabin fever. (4 dogs and the crazy cat and 'im indoors.) I fear there are a few more weeks to go yet.

Been working hard scribbling away this week. Mostly on rough drawings for the chapter book for Kane and Miller (under wraps so I  can't share ... but I PROMISE you - your going to love it ...), plus the beginning layouts for Charlesbridge 'Hidden New Jersey.'

As if my arm wasn't tired enough (and it is!), on Saturday  life drawing with Russ Cox and some other artists at a studio in Bangor. We hired a model for the day and got in six hours ... the time flies when you are drawing from life. So good to study a real model and do some disciplined drawing. Decided that as well as full length studies I would hone in on hands and feet (my worst thing!!) so here are a few sketches ...

In between, and in a change of mood, I've been putting together a promotional piece for a bakery in PA .. they make GORGEOUS PRETZELS and I KNOW this because they sent me a bunch! Haven't eaten them all yet (quite). Go on over and check out their natural pretzels .... they have an online store and do gift baskets and CHOCOLATE pretzels....

Here are some of the illustrations ....

 And that's about it for the news from The Wacky Brit! Happy to be busy and paid for it.

Also VERY HAPPY to welcome

Debbie Ohi



if your not a Pixel Shavings member yet - SHAME ON YOU!! - go over there and join RIGHT NOW! (please)

Right, back to work ...



aka The Wacky Brit

On the Bedside Shelf

Madelaine at the White House

- John Bemelmans Marciano


- Aaron Reynolds and David Barneda

Bear Snores On

- Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman

Immi's Gift

- Karen Littlewood

Cat, What is That?

- Tony Johnston and Wendell Minor