Every week I post a colouring/activity page for you to print out and give to children - yours, someone else's or to use in a school or library. All I ask is that it is not used for commercial purposes.

Simply click on the image below and print  for your children to colour.

Don't forget to follow my blog so you will receive the latest Kid's Page on a weekly basis.
aka The Wacky Brit


Every week I post a colouring/activity page for you to print out and give to children - yours, someone else's or to use in a school or library. All I ask is that it is not used for commercial purposes.

Simply click on the image below and print  for your children to colour.

Don't forget to follow my blog so you will receive the latest Kid's Page on a weekly basis.
aka The Wacky Brit

Trick or Treat?

I choose TREAT every time. I've said before that working as an illustrator can be a lonely thing to do. Some days you see no one except the dog (s) and 'im indoors. My treats, I realize, are the friends that have come in to my life through illustration and writing recently. I'm like a thirsty man in the desert stumbling on an oasis of creativity. It's good to know when I am having a bad day, or getting down on my work, that I can zap off an email, nip on to Face Book or skype a friend who knows what I am going through and receive a boost. Hopefully I do the same in return!

So thank you all you lovely treats! Even the tricksey ones! (And you KNOW who you are).

Some friends you cannot hold on to forever. Oreo, one of our dogs, has been gradually declining in health. Poor old boy, he has dropped a lot of weight and his back is going. Tuesday me and 'im had decided enough was enough and made the appointment with the vet. And then he rallied, so the inevitable is delayed a bit longer. I don't think it will be long though. Tears me apart when you have to make the decision for them. He is 18 and has never been to the vet apart from shots. Thank you for all your unconditional love Oreo ... even if your constant appeal for food has driven me crazy over the years!

Had a FUN time giving a presentation at Pittsfield Library, Maine on my experience of children's illustration (so far.) Thanks Lyn Smith and the Friends of the library. I very much enjoyed. And they had GREAT treats too! Treats, treats treats ... here's a pic of me in action ... which also reminds me I need LESS treats ... GROAN.

Work ... on to the finals for the book for Free Spirit Publishing. Pretty tight deadline on these, so that's me set for the next couple of weeks.

Also did some character sketches for a book for a Canadian client ... more of those to show you in the coming weeks. What do you think of this nipper?

Waiting to hear back from the agent I queried last week .. waiting, always waiting, right? Hopefully it will be worth the wait! If not ... next ....

The leaves are on their last legs ... I stumbled out of the studio to take some photos and the horses got in the way ...

Must do some work now ... but finally if you're in Bangor, Maine, pop in to the John Rohman Gallery, Eastern Midmaine Community College - I have a display of photographs from Nov 3 - December 15th. The opening is Nov 3 from 4-6pm.

You can see the show here too - (prints available, email me ...)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

I'll love you and leave you ... don't forget to check out my new GLOG at

aka The Wacky Brit

On the Bedside Table:

Knuffle Bunny Free - Mo Willems
3 Little Dassies - Jan Brett